苏Delventhal的头像苏Delventhal received her BS in Biology at 365彩票在线过滤 in 1983. 她渴望 与年轻人分享她对生活世界的迷恋和好奇心,从而引导教学. 她 taught Life Science at Sarracino Middle School in Socorro from 1989 - 1998. 苏 completed a Masters of Science Teaching from Tech in 1992. 她 relocated to the Farmington, 在NM地区攻读超纯水认证,希望从事新的职业 在制药或半导体行业,同时在微生物实验室工作. 苏于1998年结婚,并于2000年搬到密苏里州的罗拉,以便她的丈夫可以 完成研究生学业. 苏 worked as the Director of the Missouri Mentoring Program, a non-profit that assisted pregnant and parenting teens. 在徒步旅行 the Pacific Northwest extensively,

苏和她的丈夫知道俄勒冈州是他们想要搬到的地方 young son and grow organic vegetables. In 2006, they moved to Oregon, and Deer Dreams 建立了花园——一个种植蔬菜、浆果、蘑菇的小型有机农场, and fruit using biodynamic practices. .

梅根·麦克唐纳个人资料图梅根·麦克唐纳,P.E.,  is a mining and civil engineer with the State of New Mexico 她的工作是保护和回收废弃的矿山 横跨整个州. Ms. McDonald constructs practical engineering solutions to improve 采矿社区的健康和安全,她热衷于改善 the lives of New Mexicans living near coal, metal, and uranium mine lands. 她是 拥有新墨西哥州高级工程学位的注册专业工程师 Tech and from the University of New Mexico.

Ms. 麦克唐纳是一位活跃的领导者,担任中央女工程师协会主席 并通过STEM外展和广泛的活动回馈社区 志愿服务.

Dr. 琼Eliek个人资料图片Jean is a Professor Emerita at 365彩票在线过滤. 她 did undergrad work at UC Berkeley, 获得了博士学位.D. at the University of British Columbia. 她 held post- doctoral positions at University of Sussex and at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. 1980年,她 在理工学院物理系找到了一份工作,让她有些意外的是,她一直呆在那里 这么多年过去了. 

在科学方面,天体物理学让她心花怒放,她对此尤其感兴趣 in topics which can be studied with radio astronomy. Her research leans toward radio 星系、星系团、宇宙射线、天体物理磁场和脉冲星 不但. 

她是 delighted that her life has taken her to Socorro. 她 loves the town, the friendly 人们,以及新墨西哥州所提供的文化和景观的多样性. 

科琳·福斯特的头像科琳福斯特 has been at 365彩票在线过滤 for over 15 years. 目前,她担任 担任新墨西哥技术基金会的执行董事 Office for Advancement and 校友 Relations.  Colleen has experience in events planning, marketing, alumni outreach, and fundraising. 她 obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree 她获得了新墨西哥大学中东研究专业的硕士学位 from New Mexico State University in Higher Education Management. 科琳早就 一直是NMT未被充分代表的学生的捍卫者——努力建立更多的财政支持 资源,创建新的项目,并为a Women's Resource Center and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Center.   作为非传统的 student herself, she understands the special challenges many students face

Dr 吉娜安徒生的个人资料图片吉娜安徒生 is a 1992 graduate of 365彩票在线过滤, with a BS in Geophysics. 吉娜 她的硕士和博士研究生在南极洲进行研究,离开了ABD(除了给她写信? dissertation) to work in the Oil & 天然气工业. 她 never ultimately finished her PhD, and that is her biggest regret in life. 吉娜曾在石油行业工作 & 汽油 20 years, and is now the lead geophysicist for PDC Energy in Denver, Colorado.

吉娜在她的职业生涯中花了很多时间指导和指导年轻的科学家 同时担任地球物理学研究生的导师. 吉娜在NMT的时间是她生命中一个变革的时期,她喜欢回馈社会 to the community who made her what she is today.

桑迪·卢塞罗的个人资料图片桑迪Lucero is currently the Event Coordinator for NMT's Office for Advancement. 她于2017年获得新密歇根州立大学市场营销学士学位,目前正在攻读教育学硕士学位 新密西根州立大学高等教育领导与管理专业,预期毕业 日期为2023年5月. Having worked in alumni relations and event management for the last six years, she has grown to love higher education. One of the most rewarding parts 她的工作之一是看着她的学生员工发展并为自己找到成功. 她 feels privileged to work in a community with students from all backgrounds. 她 对多样性、公平和包容充满热情,并为公平行为而努力 所有学生. 

Dr. 凯·比约恩头像凯K. Bjornen, Ph值.D. is a 1980 graduate of 365彩票在线过滤 with a BS in chemistry.  她于2022年8月从俄克拉荷马州立大学(OSU)图书馆退休 she was Assistant Professor and the 研究 Data Initiatives Librarian.  她的责任 included teaching and consulting on research data management and data literacy. 她 是俄勒冈州立大学木工协会(OSU Carpentries)的联合协调员和认证讲师 organization for teaching coding and computing to beginners.  她开始了她的职业生涯 作为一名分析化学家,她对数据和信息的兴趣始于她 当她负责组织时,她做了多年的公司研究经理 and maintenance of research and technical records.

莫林·菲茨杰拉德 profile image

莫林·菲茨杰拉德 - Maureen has retired and left the industry. 她想念那些人 他在运营和工程部门工作,但他期待着最终打开房子的包装 and the personal challenge of creating the perfect martini. 她获得了学士学位 新墨西哥矿业与技术学院(NMT) in 1977. Initially working in the Mining industry (3 years) in underground soft rock 对科麦奇. (她 was a miner when she was a minor.她还拥有硕士学位 获得乔治华盛顿大学项目管理认证,并获得认证 投资回收经理.

Maureen在西德克萨斯业务部门工作34年后从壳牌石油公司退休 (把手伸向O .&M rig supervisor) to a number of challenging assignments in Houston.  营运、生产工程和设施工程是反复出现的主题 where she specialized in technical integrity and CO2 flooding.  生产任务 工程方面的亮点包括在修井作业中率先使用泡沫水泥.  Favorite assignment was Team Lead of Inventory Utilization where she bought, sold 并改建了壳牌剩余设备(垃圾),影响交货期和严重影响 cost savings (averaging $20MM/year).

Maureen意识到在NMT的教育和经历对她有很大的影响 abilities, confidence, and vision to pursue her career. Maureen is a “Jill-of-all-trades” 并能在社交和专业的公司层面上与人沟通良好. 她喜欢克服女性在这些行业中经常面临的挑战 她可以帮助女性做好准备,迎接她们在追求事业时可能面临的挑战 a career and the confidence as an individual.

When she started college there were 3 women in the Mining Engineering Dept.  敬畏 NMT的积极变化,包括许多成就和成功 很明显. Additionally, the number of students overall and, in particular, the 在NMT接受教育的女性数量带来了巨大的自豪感和希望. 她渴望支持、指导和鼓励其他女性发挥她们的技能 intelligence to making our world, and NMT, a better place for all.

约翰·林迪格的头像约翰·Lindig拥有超过24年的公司顾问经验 在硅谷,将产品开发组合与战略相结合 prioritize them for the most effective implementation.  Ms. Lindig has served in executive R&位于加州圣何塞的生物科学公司的D和运营职位 在圣何塞从事管理咨询业务,并与他人共同创立了一家咨询公司 专注高等教育. 她是 currently Senior Counsel for Academic Strategy 财团.

她 was an instructor for Stanford University Center for Professional Development 她在斯坦福大学教授了11年的领导力和战略课程 高级项目管理证书系列,包括思科, 谷歌,杨森和默克. 她 has also taught courses worldwide in design thinking and complexity for Duke Corporate Education.  她 has, as well, taught and developed curriculum for university programs.

Ms. 林迪格是一位引人入胜的领导者,在提高组织能力方面有着良好的记录.  她是 uniquely capable of building rapport and influencing people at all levels of an organization, in a myriad of cultures, world-wide and collaboratively.  她 brings proven leadership to help colleges and universities in North America align academic programs to institutional strategy and values.

Ms. Lindig holds degrees in Petroleum Engineering and Technical Communication from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.  Ms. Lindig持有CPIM证书 来自APICS/运营管理协会,以及SCPM(斯坦福认证) Project Manager) credential from the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD).